Small Animal Veterinary Hospital
Hospital Policies
Welcome to Wolfville Animal Hospital! Thank you for choosing us for your animal care. We are so happy to have you as part of our veterinary family.
Below is a list of our hospital policies. Please read and let us know if you have any questions.
Communication: It is essential that we have accurate, updated information on your files. We need your name, names of anyone to be secondary on your file, phone numbers, contact numbers for the day when your pet is staying here for anything, and email which we use to send reminders and answer messages. We need people added to your file if they are approved to drop off or pick up your pet or if they are to be involved in any medical decisions. If your pet stays in the hospital for any procedure, surgery or tests we need to have a contact number that you will answer at any time we may need to call you. We may have questions or something urgent that we need to talk to you about. If it is a cell phone please ensure that it is charged and turn on.
We send text reminder for appointment reminders. These are currently ONE WAY texts. The system sends out email reminders for annual exams and vaccines. If you need to make any changes to an appointment or reach us about anything else please call us at 902 542-3422 or send an email to us at wolfvilleah@eastlink.ca.
We also have a website https://www.wolfvilleanimalhospital.com/ and a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/wolfvilleanimalhospital/ where we post other information at times such as holiday closures, internet outages or pet health information.
Results: If you are waiting for results on things such as in house bloodwork, urinalysis, fecal analysis the turn around time for reporting on these is 2-3 business days (48-72 business hours). The turn around time for things sent to outside labs is variable and longer.
Payment Policy: Our payment policy is that payment is due when services are rendered (day of) via cash, Interac, VISA, Mastercard or E-transfer, which is sent using our email : wolfvilleah@eastlink.ca.
**No Show/Cancellation/Late policy: We expect you to keep your scheduled appointments and arrive on time for surgery and appointments.
If you need to re-schedule, please give us proper notice so that we have time to fill the spot with another patient who is waiting for an appointment.
We do understand that illness or emergency situations happen but for non emergency no show or cancellation with less than 24 business hours notice there is a $50.00 fee per patient for appointments and $100.00 fee per patient for surgery.
This fee schedule will be effective as of January 1, 2024.
This places your "active" client status in jeopardy.
Fees for missed appointments or surgery need to paid before rescheduling.
If you are going to be late for your appointment please call to let us know as we may have to reschedule you or you may have to wait to be fit in between appointments that have arrived on time. Please be prepared for this possibility and understand that we are all trying our best to accommodate all our patients' needs.
** New clients: New clients will be asked to pre-pay the amount of an exam fee per patient prior to coming in. This will be applied to your first appointment. If you do not show up for your for your first appointment that fee becomes a non refundable no show fee and your active status is in jeopardy. Clients who do not pay these fees will be inactivated.
**Emergencies: UPDATED January 8, 2024: We will now be referring all after hours emergencies to Coastal Care Emergency and Referral Hospital. 1 (902) 703-2323.
UPDATED as of May 8, 2024 we are now referring to Maritime Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Center.
Our clients have the option of either of these facilities.
If you call in with a pet emergency within 30 minutes of closing time for the day, you will be directed to the hospital that is on call.
Coastal Care Veterinary Emergency and Referral Hospital https://www.coastalcarevets.ca/site/home Address: 168 Hobson Lake Drive in Halifax NS (Bayer's Lake) 1 (902) 703-2323.
UPDATED : Open as of May 8 2024
Maritime Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Center https://www.maritimevet.ca/
Address: 39 MicMac Blvd., Dartmouth, NS, B3A 4Y8, 1 (902) 932-0838.
Leash/Carrier Policy: All dogs are to be brought in on a leash and proper fitting collar/harness. We prefer a short leash and non retractable style for safety reasons. Cats are to be brought in carrier (preferably one that the top can be removed).
Client Relationship Policy: to maintain an active veterinary patient client relationship requires an annual health exam to be able to purchase prescription parasite control.
We have a ZERO tolerance policy for disrespect of any kind and any abuse of this can jeopardize your active client status- we wish to maintain a mutually respectful relationship.
Covid 19/Contagious Illness Policy: We have some health regulations with regard to Covid and any other contagious illness. These may vary at times.
We currently have hand sanitizer available upon entry and ask that no one enter who may be ill with anything contagious.
Curbside service could be used or please reschedule if your pet's appointment can wait a bit.
Special orders: We have very limited retail space so we often do special orders for food or other products. These items may need to be pre paid in full and should be picked up within 7 business days. This includes prescriptions.
Prescription Refills: please call ahead for any prescription refills. It can take 3-7 business days for refills to be processed and we are dealing with numerous back orders. There are many steps involved. If your pet is on any of the compounded prescriptions from Summit you should always provide a week's notice for refills. When contacting us with a request for any prescription product we need to have the client's name, the pet(s) name(s), the product or prescription and how many you have left, if applicable. If you are requesting prescription flea, tick or deworming products we also need to have an accurate weight.
*Please note that prescriptions are non refundable.
Euthanasia appointments: Euthanasia appointments may require a quality of life exam prior to a euthanasia if your pet has not been examined recently by the doctor. If your pet requires medication/sedation we may need to create a plan for safety reasons. We try to book planned euthanasia at the end of the day.
Sometimes we have to do them when needed if a patient is in distress and suffering. This may also mean that others who are scheduled for regular appointments may be asked to wait or reschedule. We hope that everyone would be understanding about this.
We always have to do what is best/safest for the patient and for the medical team!
If you need financial assistance we have worked with Petcard and their contact information is here:
Toll Free Phone:1‑888‑689‑9876
Toll Free Fax:1‑888‑689‑9862 E-mail:info@petcard.ca
Thank you!
WAH Care Team